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a CREATIVE perspective on JOB SEARCH
This FREE 1 hour Webinar - is called Doing Career Transition Like A Creativepreneur.
Creativepreneurs blend creativity,
self promotion & business models to generate on-the-job opportunities.
Like successful Creativepreneurs, YOU, as a Job Seeker can produce optimum results when you make it your business to self-manage the process.
Webinar includes:
The Top 9 Problem Areas that trip up many job seekers when not addressed & their proper sequential order.
The step-by-step process & WHAT YOU NEED TO DO to addresses them
Helpful insights from Professional Career Coaches.
Bonus 20 Tips to simplify the job search process.
PLUS, access to bonus FREEBIES you won’t want to miss out on.

And now a word from our sponsor...
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